Did you know that more than half of Terryberry’s 360 Recognition clients are using the platform to recognize Employee Service Anniversaries?  I know that’s not the most exciting statistic, but it is an important one.  Let me tell you why.

Service Awards are the highest impact and lowest effort way for a company to recognize their employees.  Why? They reach everybody.  Service Anniversary recognition programs recognize employees who have reached specific career milestones with their company. Those milestones may change from workplace to workplace, but the concept remains the same.  If you work here for this long, you get recognized.  But, all too often, the simplicity of a Service Anniversary program can lead to negligence, causing the awards to feel impersonal, stagnant, and even insincere.

That’s the last thing you want a recognition program to do.

There are a myriad of ways to make Service Anniversary awards meaningful and effective in engaging employees.  A lot of those opportunities exist outside of 360 Recognition, and Terryberry is more than happy to help with some of those ideas, but today we’re going to talk about one way to leverage your existing program to make sure Service Awards are making an impact, and the right one, on your employees.

Let me introduce you to the Recognition Reel.

Here at Terryberry, we wanted to help our customers highlight the impact that each of their employees had made throughout the course of their career.  It’s a pretty sensible idea. The challenge was finding a way to highlight an employee’s impact within their organization, without putting an enormous burden of responsibility on their managers.

The Recognition Reel was our solution.  It pairs the simplicity of our automated rolling Service Award functionality, with a dynamic highlight reel of recognition from the employee’s career. If you want to take it one step further, we can even help you create a video message tailor-made for your employees that kicks off their congratulatory message.

Want to see it in action? Take a look:

Now, if you’ve made it this far, I’m sure you have a couple of questions.  Let’s see if we can provide some answers.

How much does it cost?

If you’re already using Terryberry’s Service Award functionality as part of your 360 Recognition program (and remember, more than half of you are), it’s FREE. No, you didn’t read that wrong. The Recognition Reel is a free feature upgrade for our customers who use our Service Award programming.  For those of you not currently running our Service Award program, we can set up the Recognition Reel for an increased user maintenance fee.

How does it choose what recognition moments to include?

When designing the Recognition Reel, we thought long and hard about how to choose the highlights of an employee’s career. And then we thought some more.  Eventually we settled on an algorithm that takes into account who originally sent the recognition (CEO? Vice President? Manager? Teammate?) and how many times peers commented and applauded on each moment.  After rigorous testing, the resulting highlight reel consistently displayed several meaningful and memorable moments from an employee’s career.  However, there is one catch.  Employees have to receive recognition in order for the algorithm to work. That might sound like a bad thing, but we’ve found that it actually incentivizes increased peer to peer and manager-driven recognition activity.  Nobody wants a bad highlight reel.

How do we create an introductory video?

I’m glad you asked.  If you have your own production equipment and can put together a high-quality script and video on your own, fantastic! Just send us the finished product.  If you don’t have your own video-making capabilities, we’re here to help with script review and tips and pointers on how to make your message meaningful and memorable. We’d even be happy to have you visit our Grand Rapids headquarters where you can record a professional quality video in our studio.

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your 360 Recognition Specialist.

Here at Terryberry, we’re committed to our customers. We want to see your recognition programs succeed.  Don’t let another service anniversary pass by unnoticed.  Make it meaningful. Make it engaging. Make it real. And ask about the Recognition Reel.